Day 1: Miserable would be an understatement. Soaked to the skin on the bottom half. Serious considerations of saying fuck this and turning back. To Old Moses camp.
Day 2: Could not have had better luck. Perfect hiking weather. Afternoon showers started immediately after we had arrived at camp and all tents were pitched. Hope all other days are like this. To Likii Valley camp.
Day 3: To Shipton’s camp at 13,800 feet. Long day, 9 km – but great hiking. Finally got water proof pants – made a world of a difference. Extremely enjoyable day and beautiful valley hike.
Day 4: Summit day; 4,985 meters. Woke at 1:45am, reached Lenana Point by 6:30am for an icy sunrise over the clouds. Arguably the most physically challenging experience of my life. Great day at Mintos camp – power nap, hike to the Temple cliff, rock skipping at the tarn. “Everything is going to be so boring and ugly after this week.” (fellow PCV and climber Nik)
Day 5: 17 km downhill. Stayed in bandas at Chogoria gate. Dreading going back to reality. Relieved to find there was no service when I turned on my cell phone – immediately turned it off again.
Day 6: These words, spoken by another PCV and climber Dan, sum up my emotions about the experience perfectly… “I feel like more of a person than I did last week.”
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