The two acre educational activity center is envisioned as such…
• Three sets of playground equipment for various age groups, including swings, slides, merry-go-rounds, see-saws, money bars and trampolines.
• Educational materials posted throughout the center, including a world map wall mural, wildlife and cultural diversity placards, HIV prevention messages.
• A forest of indigenous trees, many of which have been eradicated from the region due to deforestation for income generation and fuel.
We have already mustered up the funds to dig a trench for the wall’s foundation and have planted trees, which I have watched grow from seedlings in plastic bags to now foot-high saplings. I am beginning to take pictures every few weeks to chart the progress of the center – which we hope will rapidly pick up speed in the upcoming months.

So now, for my humble request… Please help us fund the construction of the playground equipment for children ages five to fourteen. The equipment will not only provide a healthy outlet for exercise and socialization, but the pillars and equipment supports will have educational messages painted on for HIV awareness/prevention as well as to convey local knowledge of wildlife and culture.
Even if you’re only able to donate a few dollars, anything will make this vision a bit closer to realization and will be greatly appreciated! Please visit this site to learn more and make a tax-deductible donation if you are able…
I would be most grateful if you pass this information along to any friends, family or people that would be interested in learning more or contributing.
I have two friends from the University of Oregon coming in April to work with my organization WACAL for three weeks to a month, and we are hoping to have the playground fully funded so as to start construction at that time! A million thanks to all of you for reading this and my deepest appreciation for any assistance you are able to offer.
Feel free to contact me with any questions. I have included a picture of the plot at this point in time and will continue posting updates as things progress!